Wednesday 3 February 2016

zika virus

The first case of ZIKA transmission disease through sex is reported in texas.  Attributed to sex. local health.  This disease which is said to be originated through mosquitoes is spreading like wildfire all over the us and Brazil.  Where it is said to believe that most pregnant women of the country are at higher risk to the virus.  The government ask women to stop taking in for at least 2 years. Before they can clear the virus.

The world health organization ( WHO ) believe that continent like Africa,  Asia, are vulnerable to spread the virus.

Cutar zika.
Cutar zika, cuta ce da ake samunta ta hanyar cizon sauro. Amma ga abin mamaki, cutar bata iso kasar africa ba, duk mai ciki da sauron ya ciza, zata haifu da mai karamin kai sannan zaizo duniya ba tare da yana da lafia ba. Gomnatin kasar amaruka da brazil suna jankunnen mata da cewa kar su dau ciki yanzu sai sun samu maganin cutar. 

Sannan kuma an samu cewa zaka iya samun wannan cutar ta hanyar saduwa da mace ko namiji mai cutan. Wannan aka samu yihuwan hakan a kasar texas wanda take a amurica. Allah ya kiyaye mu gabaki daya ameen.

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